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Elite Clash - Information & Registration


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Elite Clash

After a short break, Elite Players is happy to announce Elite Clash! It is a custom team racing tournament with no hunter fights, and with four teams playing each match. Please see below if you are interested in the tourney!



Each team will play a series of matches in a League format, the number of matches depending on how many teams register.
The points system will work as follows:
Players will receive points depending on the hunter time they get, as follows:
1st - 10, 2nd - 8, 3rd - 6, 4th - 4, 5th - 3, 6th - 2, 7th - 1, 8th - 1. Players who do not reach hunter will not receive any points.
At the end of each match, teams will be awarded points as follows: 1st team in match will receive 3 points, 2nd will receive 2 points, 3rd will receive 1 and 4th team will not receive any points in that particular match.
You can check the results of this funwar as an example.

After the League format is concluded, highest ranking teams will be advancing to Playoffs, for which we'll be posting a separate thread explaining the Playoffs round.


  • Everyone is able to participate except for banned players on our Event Server.
  • If your team misses a Match without a valid reason, you may be disqualified.

  • Throwing with intention to help another player/team with points will be reviewed by organizers in order to decide if there will be a punishment.

  • We don't promise that we will find you a new Match if you can't play in your current one.

  • Do not spam, insult or provoke another contestants for any reason.

  • If you are caught cheating/hacking in any way, you will be banned from our community. Mods that affect gameplay are prohibited.

  • If someone times out before the map starts, we may set this map free and redo the map when player returns, if referee notices the timeout. We don't guarantee that it happens. We don't wait longer than 5 minutes for player to return. If someone times out while the map is running (if he is alive), we play further.

  • In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Anything that allows you to skip part of the track is shortcut. If you aren't sure, ask the referee or a member of Organization team if what you want to attempt to do is considered as shortcut. Definition of shortcut is always up to referee so double check with the referee of your game.

  • Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed.

  • Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed.

  • Doing roof parts as forward is allowed.

  • Driving backward parts forward is allowed.

  • Enabling the NOS late is allowed, doing the fast jump as much as you don't cut a big part is allowed.

  • There are no hunter fights.

  • Second offense to the rules will result in disqualification.


For each match series/tour teams will be picking maps themselves. Given the structure of the tournament, we have decided to disallow OS & HDM maps from the tourney. Borderline maps will be considered, but we cannot guarantee they will be accepted as picks. As ever, if there are any disagreements we'll take those up with all captains to see if we can come to a mutual agreement.
The amount of maps teams pick per tour is again dependent on the amount of teams registered in the tournament.



Please use the following format to register. Reply to this topic with your filled out format:


1. Team name:
2. Team tag:
3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial):
4. Team Captain's Discord:
5. Can't play at:

A few details regarding registering:

  • Please register at least four players in your team, as each team will play with 4 players (4v4v4v4).
  • It is allowed to register one reserve in your team (four starters + one reserve).
  • Players cannot register for more than one team for this tournament, nor can they swap between registered teams.
  • Each registered team's captain is in charge for all coordination around their respective team's map picks & scheduled matches' arrival.

Prize pool

Naturally we want to make our Tournament more interesting. The winners will get their hands on some tasty rewards:

 🥇 Winners will receive 65
🥈 Runner-up team will receive 40
🥉 3rd Place team will receive 20


Server, Matches' Time & Deadline

All matches will be played on our Event Server. Server IP: mtasa://
In our Server we have a Training arena. It will contain all the maps from this Tournament.
In order to arrive for your Match, you have to join the corresponding Event arena (of which your team will be informed via Discord).
Matches will not be moved from their original scheduled time, due to four teams playing in each match.

Most Matches will be played at 18:00 or 20:00. We are using German Time (CET). You can check the current time below:

The deadline for registering your teams is 03/12 23:59 CET. Make sure you register on time!

Organizers' contacts:

@Backflip - damjan7
@RoLeX - brilee
@Caver - Caver#0451


Please make sure you join our Discord Server where we will also be announcing your matches and allow easier communication.


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1. Team name: ex syn
2. Team tag: syn
3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial): 
Netrix  (PS) - TBA
Bazooka (EG) - A396DB60E33C5721BBE3AA5A78EB8BF2
Karma (NO) - TBA
Cykz (BR) -  TBA
(RS) Zei (N/A) - TBA
4. Team Captain's Discord: Hisham#4010
5. Can't play at:  TBA

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1. Team name: The Frauds
2. Team tag: LPL

3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial): 
UppeR, Hungary, 0E43C4978720538759503A98CD703DB3
Rexon, Hungary, 935F81981895DF7E43452F15DF6CEB52
Partyz, Hungary, 9544E5DEBC1C7C2F69A7A0E450DBAD62
niim0te, Germany, D4336D271DE6D2DEFA91C2F848010993
Reserve: ygtz, Netherlands (will add Serial later)
4. Team Captain's Discord: niim0te
5. Can't play at: Monday - Friday

Edited by niim0te
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1. Team name: 600 YEARS
2. Team tag: 600
3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial): 
Geass, Turkey (will add Serial later)
Monster, Turkey (will add Serial later)
YiGi, Turkey (will add Serial later)
SperkZ, Turkey (will add Serial later)
Reserve: Aeron, Turkey (will add Serial later)
4. Team Captain's Discord: bugrashh
5. Can't play at: Weekdays, but can be discussed

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1. Team name: The Unrivaled Four(and xecn)

2. Team tag: TUF
3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial): Neymar(Palestine)  C6029E69663B5E6F56F0C72127F4CA54

Antar(Brazil) 512B81B2199DF259D1ACBD9F20C37BA1

Sycrox(Turkey) 9BE7B5125F21837AE429F147F7C5C392

Aturex(Turkey) 465911E68712FC002B03FC9B92813993

Reserve: xecN(Poland) EDF8B0C3EAD8A1EED92957FF83269FF4
4. Team Captain's Discord: Fadi Sukhon#8021
5. Can't play at: Weekdays

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1. Team name: hayden’s minions
2. Team tag: HM

3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial): 
NaXeR, Ecuador, 6A259329A00CB567476B0BDF1CA7E043
Vinny, Brazil, F8D369E2D5B6B8EF375669F2B9CD6BB4
Krlos, Chile, will add later
haydd, Uruguay, 81E3DF86A8B3A52056EBBB8F5EFAF293
Reserve: - 
4. Team Captain's Discord: imhaydd
5. Can't play at: weekdays

Edited by Hayden
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1. Team name: Shredders
2. Team tag: Sh.
3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial): 
Darking, United arab emirates - TBA
Azoo, Saudi arabia - TBA
Dice, Germany - TBA
Spacy, Turkey -  TBA
Reserve: Mitsuki, Saudi arabia - TBA
4. Team Captain's Discord: n1uv
5. Can't play at:  TBA

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1. Team name:

  • Brothers of War

2. Team tag:

  • BoW

3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial):

  • DRiVeR, Hungary (will add serial later),
  • Botond, Hungary (will add serial later),
  • WalK, Hungary (will add serial later),
  • Anwix Hungary (will add serial later).


  • Yusijo, Hungary (will add serial later).

4. Team Captain's Discord:

  • Anwix - anwix#5001

5. Can't play at:

  • -
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1. Team name:

Absolute zero

2. Team tag:


3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial):

  • Krazy, Qatar (will add serial later),
  • Bans, Serbia (will add serial later),
  • Force, Saudi Arabia(will add serial later),
  • Twoblades USA (will add serial later).


  • TORENE, France (will add serial later).

4. Team Captain's Discord:

  • Krazy - Krazy#2929

5. Can't play at:

Edited by Krazy
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1. Team name: 

  • Elite Racists

2. Team tag: 

  • 3R

3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial):

  • rolex, Bosnia and Herzegovina [5917CB6C19F58C7356563BD7F6F82BE4]
  • Caver, Portugal [E80AFAD54AFBE24991D305C9B1C080C0]
  • M00nday, Germany [3AE258513D379F04FFB0F2AFE38CBA42]
  • Mentos, Ukraine (serial later)
  • Aliomar, Venezuela [73541BEC5A046D771EFADAB3E332BC43]

4. Team Captain's Discord:

  • rolex - brilee

5. Can't play at:

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name: For Fuck Latinas

tag: ffl

SmoK - Poland - 85581251ABB042CB547626E628264783
SackOne - Turkey - 06075B8F83282AA77EE17037896C36C3
Dokt0R - Romania - 685740E4CAA6509CDB2DC655EE8CC820
LimBo - Tunisia - 0505E81922643B7F5D7B8FCE50B9B9C4
RuSO - Mexico - E1600EC2C838947FCFB3377F8BF5FFA2

discord: smok_mta

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1. Team name: Nate Higgers

2. Team tag: Nt.

3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial):

shakira (Poland) 

luminaire (Poland)

speed (Hungary)

shox (Germany)

coverek (Poland)

4. Team Captain's Discord: skshaker

5. Can't play at: - 

Edited by shaker
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1. Team name: Gigglespeed Goblins
2. Team tag: gg
3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial): 
Facuuzz, Argentina (will add later)
Naval, Chile (will add later)
CascaDe, Turkey, (will add later)
RedRulez, Brazil  (will add later)
Reserve: -  Layan, Chile (will add later)
4. Team Captain's Discord: facz2255 or neixo1
5. Can't play at: -

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1. Team name: The Armed Gang

2. Team tag: TAG

3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial):
JARI, Netherlands
Backflip, Bosnia
Daygel, Tunisia
DraGuN, Germany
Reserve: Condom

4. Team Captain's Discord: jarivdlans, damjan7

5. Can't play at: Weekdays

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Team: Five Rats

Tag: 5R

Roster (+Serial):

Atomix, Germany (2F06E92628DBEB6299D29DB6044A35A3)
Kirill, Germany (86478C83E2872311391BE350E90F2393)
Sektor, Chile (D5118210DA2CAC0BF8A148C500B2B8A2)
Pawni, Chile (976754FB9AE4E734BAA8C8DA4D29EC50)
Gteatero, Chile (56C8757E1EAB9342528872C1627C6BE3)

Discord: ratomix

Can't play at: Weekdays

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 1. Team name: Seventh Miracle
2. Team tag: 7V\*

3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial): 
Tenshi, Poland,  -
Madlife, Poland, -
Foxik, Poland,  -
Burnout, Italy,  -
Reserve: Viskuz, Poland, -
4. Team Captain's Discord: me
5. Can't play at: Put on weekends at 8pm pls

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1. Team name: Pub Pirates
2. Team tag: pp,
3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial):

- DeRoX (GERMANY)  F2BBFB8CF562CD128129BE9601A03CE4

- BZRK (BRAZIL)  531FF87A7E76CFAD2FD96A5E5307F483

- Attempt (POLAND) 93B14E73F67CD4E03A7134808563C252

- Quashy (BRAZIL) 32ED4690F0A7E62D106B36F8A3A2FCF4

Reserve : LoL (TURKEY) 0AAE9ED223FE6ED3893776DBE16425B2

4. Team Captain's Discord: DeRoX98#1821
5. Can't play at: weekdays (prefer sundays)

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1. Team name: Tortugas Feroces 
2. Team tag: Tz
3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial):

- SebastiaN (Ecuador) B39B5E547DD9DF1534442181E9F6FCF4 

- LezeN ( Colombia) 391386BA7619B54BE09E984179065391

- DirefulCrab ( Mexico ) Serial Later

- ManuZ ( Argentina ) 68187A6505F165A580113B86CE848971

4. Team Captain's Discord: SebastiaN#0509
5. Can't play at: weekdays 

Edited by sebas
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**1. Team name:** Experts
**2. Team tag:** Ex
**3. Team Roster (nickname, country & serial):**
LuFFy  (NL) - 4E9A6FC120C3CBAFE532F7943BF883B2
Tekkzie  (DE) - TBA A88AD69CE089059BECE5E09574E40912
Funky  (GB) - TBA - 91370A24764C45E41B0839CF042C0C62
saku  (DE) - 70B1ACC97D321FC6B89BEEC3FD0DC2C4
**4. Team Captain's Discord:** xsaku or xhaveman
**5. Can't play at:** Monday - Friday

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1. Team name: International Throwers
2. Team tag: INT

3. Team Roster : 

Ceno, Tunisia : FE6FAED35F7C73436B23F27E48F23D63

skaii, Turkey : EF0D676A2E409259E40E9F2C1AF3B6B3

Fars, Tunisia : 7B4ED348D9BFCB88E9C17FEA96B1F161

Abyss, Portugal :  Later 

Shade, Poland : A0CE0E36C32ED0765F1B495B4D3C0683

4. Team Captain's Discord: ceno1
5. Can't play at: weekdays

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