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ChiefJusticiar's Join Request


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I'm ChiefJusticiar and this is my join request, i'll keep it short and clear as much as possible so i don't bore you guys. My name is Ahmed i'm 19 years old (turning 20 on October) and i was born in Egypt. Throughout my life i've lived in 2 different countries each for a period of time which gave me a lot of experience about different people cultures, and for that my biggest goal was to be able to work online from home with people all around the world, from there i started self learning about a lot of things (such as Graphic and motion graphic designing, front-end developing and 3d animating) and i started really loving everything as i was getting good feedback from friends and family so it kept me going till now. As i work semi-professionally now as a graphic designer (some of my work will be at the end).

MTA Career
As i turned 10 y/o i discovered MTA SA but that was because i was already a big fan of every GTA title that came out, i started playing around joining different random servers till i stumbled upon a Roleplay server, i played there and made a lot of friends and there was a very good competition gameplay in there, i was known there as Xp1Mas yep it's a really weird name and i've no idea how i came up with it, anyways 1 and a half year after i came across SMT, i played there a couple of times and i became obsessed with it, until now i've not seen a more unique server than SMT, it had a really good vibe and feel to it as the style fit MTA's classic style very well and the servers were just top notch. I started playing at first mostly on DM and FDD after a couple of months i got to average level in DM and i learnt a lot 'bout driving and hunter skills, i joined up with Athena and LonneX and we had the #1 clan on the DM server called Scarlet. However i started playing Shooter all of a sudden, i fell in love with it and it really became my main gamemode and skill in MTA, i joined up with a group of Egyptians and Portuguese (yes very weird mix) and again we were top #1 team on the server called Street RacerZ (i still have a few screenshots of these days), anyways SMT died cause of a lagswitch which got popular and almost everyone was using it to deflect rockets in Shooter and also the lack of moderation on the server.

And with that i started playing clan wars. At first everyone moved to 3R as it was the first most popular Racing server at that time, i moved to it as well but i didn't really like it at all so me and my Shooter duo (EXT3R0ID3s) decided to create a clan and play clan wars, we really did have a very strong team that time and we beat everyone including 3R (which was a very hard opponent at that time) and from there we really had good times, but as all things end so that clan. After that i joined a couple of known Shooter clans like the Turkish BHD and pG clans that were very well known. However during that time i was also playing a bit on DDC and there i met Zayn who was the leader of KekZ, and by mere coincidence EXT3R0ID3s my old friend was in that clan with his DD player brother Licinio, so i joined up and that was around the end of 2014, when i started finally playing DD clan wars. From there i got to learn a lot about DD and it really became my favorite and main gamemode till this moment. KekZ was a really unique and awesome clan and i loved every bit of time i spent there but Zayn became inactive and so the team started being more and more less active, at that time i met with Kurato who was a very well known player and we loved to play together, we had a very sick teamwork sometimes and we decided to join Project Beast. B was my second favorite clan as i've made friends with almost everyone in it and they became a 2nd family to me, me and Kurato opened a couple of DD teams in there and they were all good, we stayed there for almost 2 years until the clan was closed due to inactivity, throughout my DD period i've also hosted some of the best tournaments and i've been known in the community to do that so.

The last was eP, i got invited by Sheldon and d1kuba as a squad member, we've had really amazing times but unfortunately the team got into a very bad state and i didn't want to ruin eP's reputation any more in the DD scene so i left, but i really loved eP and i think it could really be my next family in MTA as all i met here were only amazing and lovely people and i didn't want to miss the chance of joining up in the main clan.

Previous clans
(i'll list only the community clans);

B# Project Beast (closed)
PiA| Pro's in Action (left)
|3R| Elite Racers (left)
KekZ| Die Kekse (left)
|TG| Twisted Gamers (left)

(some of my work)






That's all, thanks to you guys for the good times, and for your time in reading this bad join request
Sincerely, ChiefJusticiar

Edited by ChiefJusticiar
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