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Match type TfF vs eP! - Draft - 200 Map pool Referee(s) @ /TfF\SkreePy & @ /TfF\TheDragonKpop Recorder @ Prime Video link # Map Points Players 1. [DM] ZJK - Breakout 1 TfF 33 - 40 eP /TfF\NaGaFo# (13) hsgfjagfbfgvshsdgh.ep (13) ep.ronaldo (13) 2. [DM] ThisGuy v3 - Oddworld Inc TfF 79 - 80 eP TFF.CNDM (7) naxoep (7) tff~>balkamen<~ (7) 3. [CDM] Ravolt v18 - Water Colossus TfF 121 - 126 eP KK. (7) tffAGERX (7) tff~>balkamen<~ (7) 4. [CDM] DC v15 - Fuck You All 3 TfF 173 - 186 eP tff~>balkamen<~ (12) naxoep (12) Adidas'eP (9) 5. [CDM] SebaS v12 - New World TfF 249 - 243 eP /TfF\'AlieN# (12) TFFIMPACT (12) naxoep (12) 6. [CDM] Ron1 v3 - Crush TfF 315 - 315 eP /TfF\Robert (10) /TfF\'AlieN# (10) /TfF\NeonoX (10) 7. [CDM] Micra v18 - Flawless TfF 384 - 391 eP TFF.CNDM (10) Adidas'eP (10) naxoep (10) 8. [DM] RoNNiE# ft. DLF - Ally Territory TfF 423 - 443 eP DeRoX^tff (9) Adidas'eP (9) KK. (9) 9. [CDM] nAzHo v18 - RudeBoy Skills TfF 485 - 495 eP DeRoX^tff (13) Adidas'eP (13) /TfF\NaGaFo# (13) 10. [DM] Sk2 v5 - Sparks TfF 575 - 597 eP KK. (12) /TfF\NeonoX (12) tff~>balkamen<~ (12) 11. [DM] BriaN v17 - An Alone Soul 2 TfF 647 - 656 eP TFF.CNDM (8) /TFF\lamine (8) tff~>balkamen<~ (8) 12. [CDM] Nice v4 - Dawn In The Ruins TfF 718 - 743 eP DeRoX^tff (11) /TfF\NeonoX (11) ePSunset (11) 13. [CDM] Freaky ft. Foxeh ft. BreAkeR - Diary of Skills 3 TfF 779 - 810 eP TFF.CNDM (13) ep.ronaldo (13) tff~>balkamen<~ (13) 14. [CDM] HTC v7 - Into The Past TfF 828 - 848 eP /TfF\NeonoX (10) naxoep (8) /TfF\NaGaFo# (7) 15. [CDM] Kacsa v2 - Breathing TfF 888 - 919 eP tff~>balkamen<~ (8) ePSunset (8) ep.ronaldo (8) 16. [CDM] Rafinha v11 - Black and Yellow 3 TfF 938 - 963 eP ThenaGeP (11) TFFRYDERqaq (11) /TfF\NaGaFo# (9) 17. [DM] Zeet v8 - Dreamland TfF 980 - 1007 eP tff~>balkamen<~ (8) ThenaGeP (5) /TfF\'AlieN# (5) 18. [CDM] BreAkeR v8 - Spectrum TfF 1026 - 1048 eP DeRoX^tff (9) TFFRYDERqaq (7) epniim0te! (6) 19. [CDM] BreAkeR v7 - Almost Perfect 2 TfF 1090 - 1093 eP TFF.CNDM (9) tff~>balkamen<~ (9) TFFRYDERqaq (9) 20. [CDM] SVeteraN v3 - Infernus Control TfF 1136 - 1127 eP tff~>balkamen<~ (8) TFFRYDERqaq (8) /TfF\'AlieN# (8) TEAM NAME POINTS The Favoured Few 1136 Elite Players 1127 # PLAYER NAME POINTS 1. tff~>balkamen 142 2. ep.ronaldo 142 3. naxoep 135 4. /TfF\NeonoX 128 5. Adidas'eP 127 6. DeRoX^tff 123 7. TFFRYDERqaq 118 8. hsgfjagfbfgvshsdgh.ep 115 9. TFF.CNDM 114 10. ThenaGeP 114 11. /TfF\NaGaFo# 113 12. ePSunset 105 13. epniim0te! 101 14. /TfF\'AlieN# 91 15. ep.backflip 84 16. /TFF\lamine 71 17. TFFIMPACT 71 18. ygtz.ep 70 19. /TfF\DraGuN~ 65 20. /TfF\Robert 57 21. KK. 55 22. ep}rolex 52 23. tffAGERX 36 24. eP!Caver 27 25. -tff-REWEX 7
Elite Players vs. Nova Clanwar Information: Type: WFF DM Date: 29/09/2024 Time: 18:00 CEST Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: naxo KreeT DRiVeR KrmKy Tiven burnout rolex Caver Maps: BriaN - Enigma Cosa_Nostra ft. Sk2 - Slash Dash II Goku ft. stan - Demétori RoNNiE ft. DLF - Ally Territory RuSO Vol 11 - Teardrop Nova N| Players: Slimy Geass Spitfire YiGi Prime KarNikkl Sprite Dink Ssaykon Maps: CsaWee Ft. KLS Ft. ryba - Passionate Freefall MatreN v5 - Pray For Me PCHZY ft. AquiL - Vinewood ZinTro ft. Rockz ft. ZeeT - Linked Souls Legion ft. Esp4wn ft. Mirage - Movements Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
Elite Players vs. Euphoria Clanwar Information: Type: WFF DM Date: 08/09/2024 Time: 20:00 CEST Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: burnout sheldon Foxik Tiven rolex Caver DRiVeR KrmKy Feebe Viskuz Adidas Maps: Viskuz ft. Flash - Silky Brick BriaN - Enigma DLF ft. KrmKy ft. PCHZY ft. MarveL - Dawn Over Bayou II Zeist ft. Zaja - Project Z II SilverF0X - V3 - Ember Euphoria /E Players: Krazy Antar Force WalK Bagio Lensko Maps: Darmos ft. Swalox ft. DRiVeR - The Essence of Speed II DRiVeR ft. Dybala ft. Rexon - Presage II *DLF feat. #PCHZY! - DOOMs Dream CascaDe - Speed Pressure iRaven - For The Love Of BriaN Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
Elite Players vs. Zeitgeist Clanwar Information: Type: WFF DM Date: 03/03/2024 Time: 20:00 CET Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: Foxik naxo Adidas rolex Caver Reserves: Everyone from the clan Maps: iRaven - For The Love Of BriaN DC v.11 - Maximal Crazy Cosa_Nostra ft. Sk2 - Slash Dash II TulioTC ft. Exodo - Magnetic Love III Micra v18 - Flawless Zeitgeist Xz' Players: Ceno Abyss Fars skaii quashy Reserves: Everyone from the clan Maps: ZeeT ft. NAiiF - Loving Whistles Esp4wN v.5 - DevotioN Simas v9 - Uta Sentax ft. NAiiF ft. ryba - Shatterland II Nebla ft. DiatroN - Royalty Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
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Elite Players vs. High Octane Clanwar Information: Type: WFF OS Date: 22/10/2023 Time: 21:00 CEST Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: rolex Caver burnout naxo Anwix Maps: Pr0RaC3R ft BuDyA - Speed Freakz Gus V.3 - Disregraded TulioTC - Insomnia Club Osnet Ft. JameS - Adrenalin Gamer v2 TulioTC ft. APs - Magnetic Love High Octane 8 Players: Lukas Monster Geass Fakade Partyz Maps: TiS |VIII| Destressing GteaterOS - Cosmic Assault StuntPool, Danx & LoooooP - UhaH II Gteatero - Mindfuck Goku - ColdHazard Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed.
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Elite Players vs. Ninety's Clanwar Information: Type: WFF DM Date: Sunday, 25/06/2023 Time: 20:30 Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: Aliomar Warrio Naxo Adidas Rolex Ninety's 90' Players: Deesk cykz Zumpax bagio quashy Maplist: Gus V.11 - Recess (90) Kucky ft. Tarin, PolakMaly - Azure Roses (eP) Darmos Vol.8 - Disfigure (90) Arrow feat. Chipy feat. NikotiN - Crash Report II (eP) Tomas ft. Gerc ft. Gteatero ft. Facuuzz - Gradually II (90) Micra v18 - Flawless (eP) DizzasTeR ft. Techo - Unpretentious Innovation (90) Arrow - v5 - Decadence(eP) Pablow ft. Gerc ft. Esp4wN - Out of Time (90) DoPeR Ft SebaS - DS Xperience (eP) Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed.
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Elite Players vs. The Favoured Few Clanwar Information: Type: WFF HDM Date: 25.06.2023, Sunday Time: 20:00 CEST Server: TfF Event/CW Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players - eP! Players: Sheldon JARI MeiN Burnout PCHZY Maps: Neksezi ft. HTML# - Aphelium Gteatero - Noxious Force 2 #LeX ft. SajgoN ft. ShondeX - Road of Destiny 2 leepY ft. skanderbeji ft. stormi ft. Facuuzz - Yatagarasu Esp4wN ft. ShondeX - Dichotomy of Control The Favoured Few - TfF Players: GOTZHA Shelby Pelixus Alfrodo Tiven Maps: ShondeX ft. BrighT - Blinded in Chains 2 Gteatero - Mischievous Pablow ft. BrighT ft. PCHZY - SCHIZOPHRENIA Chipy ft. ShondeX - Driving on the Heights BrighT v6 - Derogatory Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone reaches the hunter he gets +1 point. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
Elite Players vs. Xtreme pro Racers Clanwar Information: Type: WFF OS Date: Saturday, 04/03/2022 Time: 20:00 CET Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: rolex Caver sheldon IceBerg Backflip Reserves: Everyone from the clan Maps: Orange Sensation by Slicex Skotinka -Vol 8- First Class Deadline ft. Poeta - Geronimo Sandowski v4 - High Stakes Kanarya ft. M3.E46.GTR - Ineffable Xtreme pro Racers |-XpR-| Players: B0M Sperkz Naval Goku RedR Reserves: Everyone from the clan Maps: Goku - Reolity PAwlo ft. Ryan - XIII vs. FOTL Goku - Sand Rush BuDyA ft MegaN - Ukrainian Style Siisti-C V1 - Blow Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
Elite Players vs. Zeitgeist Clanwar Information: Type: WFF HDM Date: 29.01.2023, Sunday Time: 20:00 CET Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: KreeT Throne MeiN PCHZY SKooD Maps: CresheZ ft. DizzasTeR - Way To Steer II Goku vol.4 - Ageless Void Facuuzz v1 - Unstoppable Machine Ronnie Ft. Naval - Overdose HTML# ft. Smyx ft. NikotiN ft. Rage# - CataBarb 3 Zeitgeist Xz Players: Fars Srk ronny Nahar Valentino Maps: GameX ft. Takash - Breakdown Rush 2 SajgoN ft. Kanzy ft. Arrow - Dark Matter LeX ft. NikotiN - Road of Destiny SajgoN v2 - Monotonous II BrighT v6 - Derogatory Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone reaches the hunter he gets +1 point. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
Elite Players vs. Xenous Clanwar Information: Type: WFF DM Date: Sunday, 29/01/2023 Time: 18:00 CEST Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: naxo WaRRiO sinso SheldoN KreeT Jari Xenous Xen Players: Atomix Pawni Natz Mag Akrom Drak Maplist: Pavcloo ft. Ceeser - Ephemeral Age (Xen) Sandowski v4 - High Stakes (eP) Tomas ft. Gerc ft. Gteatero ft. Facuuzz - Gradually II (Xen) TulioTC ft. Exodo - Magnetic Love III (eP) Zeet v11 - Wasteland (Xen) Simple - Empirical (eP) Pablow ft. MarveL - Felicity (Xen) CresheZ v4 - Chasing Infinity II (eP) SemiSun ft. Malez - The Disappearing Hunter (Xen) Nataam ft. DRiVeR - Promises (eP) Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed.
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Elite Players vs. Zeitgeist Clanwar Information: Type: WFF HDM Date: 10.12.2022, Saturday Time: 18:00 CET Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: Naxo Throne Sinso yzz Warrio Maps: LeX ft. NikotiN - Road of Destiny TenTimes v6 - Doomsday Ending NikotiN ft. Esp4wN - Breathe of Skills AquiL ft. ShuX - Sheer Madness 2 ShondeX ft. Bright - Blinded in Chains 2 Zeitgeist Xz Players: Fars Srk ronny MJT Valentino Maps: GameX ft. Takash - Breakdown Rush 2 Goku vol. 4 - Ageless Void SajgoN v2 - Monotonous 2 SajgoN ft. Kanzy ft. Arrow - Dark Matter PCHZY ft. SajgoN - Numinous Woods Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone reaches the hunter he gets +1 point. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
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Elite Players vs. Synergy Date & Time: Saturday 06.08.2022 ( 18:00 CET ) Type: DM Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Rounds: 20 Maps: 10 Elite Players eP! Players: ● LonneX ● sYKu ● Flaky ● WalK ● Adidas Reserves: ● Everyone from the clan Maps: ● KnOwN v15 - Dark Nature ● Finale v2 - Heaven Fall ● Schwan v5 - Sublime ● Nataam ft. Esp4wN ft. PCHZY - Urban Decay ● #Gery - Over Rage Synergy Syn. Players: ● DarK1nG ● TONY ● Astro ● Karma ● Cykz Reserves: ● Everyone from the clan Maps: ● Sealine - Loops Are Great ● FakeDeath v7 - Blackout ● Sealine ft. XzibiT - Adrenaline PuRe 2 ● BreAkeR v13 - Level UP III ● ret1p - Pandemonium Memories Rules:
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Elite Players vs. Zeitgeist Date & Time: Saturday 30.07.2022 ( 19:30 CET ) Type: DM Server: Xtreme pro Racers | Event Server Rounds: 20 Maps: 10 Elite Players eP! Players: ● LonneX ● Flaky ● Lost ● WalK ● Vicious Reserves: ● Everyone from the clan Maps: ● Andro V6 - The Solution ● KnOwN V15 - Dark Nature ● #ProGear ft. Bootje ft. Swifty ft. TNT - True Survivor ● Negativ ft. Moonlight - Minions ● KarorPL - Grey Reality Zeitgeist Xz' Players: ● SrK ● MJT ● Asency ● Shanks ● FacuP Reserves: ● Everyone from the clan Maps: ● Siisti - GoGo The Night ● Bc ft. NeeZ - Stay ● Cosa_Nostra v6 - In Further Blackness II ● Banshee v27 - Coastal Tour ● C3z!ka -v10- Deadly Race Rules:
Elite Players vs. High Octane Clanwar Information: Type: WFF DM Date: Saturday, 21/05/2022 Time: 20:00 CEST Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: burnout Naxo Sheldon WaRRiO Sinso High Octane 8 Players: Geass Monster Lukas RadheN ygtz Maplist: ARmada v2 - Rumble (8) Chipy - Nature Place (eP) Zeet v8 - Dreamland (8) SubShock ft. DJCRAZY ft. ExcisioN - Walk In The Fire (eP) GteaterOS + Invisibles = Mindfuck (8) TulioTC ft. Exodo - Magnetic Love III (eP) Legion ft. Esp4wN ft. Mirage - Movements (8) Sk2 v5 - Sparks (eP) Gteatero - Noxious Force (8) norbi ft. Andro - Untried 3 (eP) Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone reaches the hunter he gets +1 point. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
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Elite Players vs. Zeitgeist Date & Time: Saturday 23.04.2022 ( 20:00 CEST ) Type: DM Server: TBA Rounds: 13 Maps: 13 Elite Players eP! Players: ● JARI ● Flaky ● Lost ● Natz ● Praker Reserves: ● Everyone from the clan Zeitgeist Xz' Players: ● SrK ● MJT ● Asency ● NaXeR ● Chanchi Reserves: ● Everyone from the clan Maps: 1. [DM] RuSO ft. GuilhermE ft. Nataam - Last Living Souls 2. [DM] C3z!ka -v10- Deadly Race 3. [DM] Bc ft NeeZ - Stay 4. [DM] Sealine - Loops are Great 5. [DM] Netsky v7 - Journey 6. [DM] Swifty ft. AnUs ft. TONY - Celestial Reach 7. [DM] FataL v6 - Nightcall 8. [DM] BuDyA v9 - A Day To Remember 9. [DM] Ravolt ft KacaK - Atomic Effect 10. [DM] KarolPL - Grey Reality 11. [DM] ALV v10 - In Crescendo 12. [DM] Royce v1 - Unsurpassed 13. [DM] FataL - Chasmic II Rules:
Elite Players vs. Synergy Date & Time: Sunday 27.02.2022 ( 19:00 CET ) Type: DM Server: TBA Rounds: 20 Maps: 10 Elite Players eP! Players: ● sYKu ● JARI ● Asency ● Flaky ● Adidas Reserves: ● Everyone from the clan Maps: ● Rampage ft. RuSO ft. Goku - Overedge ● sYKu v4 - Band The Rolla ● BriaN ft. Skaarj ft. FachX ft. Rampage - Dark Saints II ● CarmY v9 - Tropical Experience IV ● Nataam ft. Esp4wN ft. PCHZY - Urban Decay Synergy Syn. Players: ● DarK1nG ● Beast! ● EmperioR ● Karma ● Cykz Reserves: ● Everyone from the clan Maps: ● Sealine - Loops Are Great ● BudyA v9 - A Day To Remember ● KarolPL - Grey Reality ● Osnet - Focus ● ThisGuy - No JuJu Rules:
Elite Players vs. Euphoria Clanwar Information: Type: WFF OS Date: Sunday, 26/12/2021 Time: 19:30 CET Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: burnout Backflip Adidas WalK naxo Reserves: Everyone from the clan Euphoria E} Players: Krazy ANTAR TORENE MeZo Swidrox Reserves: Everyone from the clan Maplist: SebaS Ft MegaN - Track Of Dead (E) BuDyA ft MegaN - Ukrainian Style (eP) TiS | VIII | Destressing (E) TulioTC Ft. Rafinha - Running Is My Life IV (eP) BuDyA's -Vol7- New Millennium (E) Sandowski v4 - High Stakes (eP) TulioTC - Insomnia Club (E) Gus V.4 - Restless Nights (eP) KacaK - Xtreme Silence (E) Vortex Vol10 Endless_Variation (eP) Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
Elite Players vs. Zeitgeist Clanwar Information: Type: WFF HDM Date: Sunday, 19/12/2021 Time: 20:00 CET Server: Elite Players - Event/Training Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: ToXa Flaky Gotzha NikotiN Foxik Reserves: Everyone from the clan Zeitgeist Xz' Players: cleanmetal Vander NAiiF Ronny Nipy Reserves: Everyone from the clan Maplist: 1. SleepY ft. skanderbeji ft. stormi ft. Facuuzz - Yatagarasu (Xz) 2. ShondeX ft. BrighT - Blinded In Chains II (eP) 3. LeX ft. NikotiN - Road of Destiny (Xz) 4. Flash ft SyKu ft Cookie - Hard Fury 2 (eP) 5. Gteatero - Mischievous (Xz) 6. DLF ft. R1KUZ - Valuable Attempt II (eP) 7. AquiL ft ShuX - Sheer Madness 2 (Xz) 8. DLF ft. ShondeX ft. PCHZY - Valuable Attempt III (eP) 9. SajgoN - Monotonous 2 (Xz) 10. HTML ft. Smyx ft. Nikotin ft. Rage - Catabarb III (eP) Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If someone reaches the hunter he gets +1 point. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed
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Date & Time: 28.02.2021 - 18 CET. Type: DM Server: xN Clanwar Server Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: - JARI - Naxo - LonneX - DriveR - sYKu Reserves: Everyone from the clan. Maps: [DM]James v7 - Cooler Than Me [DM]Shine - Ephemeral [DM]SoniX - Fortress [DM]LonneX v2 - Parade [DM]Fusionz - Sunfire Nitrous Racing xN# Players: - Shanks - Naxer - Asency - Hayden - Fernandinho Reserves: Everyone from the clan. Maps: [DM]sYKu v4 - Band the Rolla [DM]BriaN ft SazukE ft Snake ft CresheZ - Dark Saints [DM]Sealine - Loops Are Great [DM]BuDyA -v9 -Day To Remamber [DM]MaRTiNTo v3 - Dressing my Nature Chat Rules: - CW managers and Referees are the only ones who are allowed to speak in main chat. - Any kind of insulting, flaming or spamming in the main chat is strictly forbidden. - Keep the main chat as clean as possible. General Rules: - Both teams are able to choose a referee - Everyone from each clan is able to participate - Players which joined the clan after the CW got accepted are not allowed to play - If someone times out before the round starts, we restart the round. - If someone times out while the map is running, we continue playing. - If someone is lagging too much, a reserve player has to replace him - If the ping of a player hits above 300 multiple times in a row, he is unable to play the CW until he gets his ping stable again. - Any kind of insulting, begging or flaming is going to be punished with a mute. CW players can't be punished without being warned. - *In case the player keeps insulting, begging or flaming (e.g. nick changing), he will be banned from the server. - In case of a draw after the 20 rounds, CW managers will discuss it and decide if they want a draw or play additional round(s) - After the 10th round we are taking either 5 or 10 minutes break. - CW can't be cancelled two days before or later. DM Rules: - The team which went further in the map gets the point (If no one of both teams reaches the Hunter ) - Backdriving for nitro and repair is allowed; - Waiting for nitro is allowed; - Skipping useless nitro and repair pickups is allowed; - Skipping vehicle pickups is not allowed; - If both teams fail at the same part, we will redo the map; - If someone is shortcutting, it will be blown. Hunter Rules: - The team with the last surviving player(s) gets the point; - Spraying is not allowed; *Referee decides if it's spray or not. - Destroying vehicles is allowed; - Spraying vehicles is allowed; - Backshooting while getting Hunter is not allowed, you must wait for the countdown; * In case that happens, the damaged team gets the point. - In case of maplimit, we will continue the fight on a Hunter map.
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Elite Players! vs. Xtreme pro Racers Clanwar Informations: Type: WFF HDM Date: Sunday, 01/11/2020 Time: 20:00 CET Server: |-XpR-| CW Server Players: 5 vs. 5 Maps: 10 Rounds: 20 Elite Players eP! Players: Flash Foxik BurNouT LonneX Madlife Reserves: Everyone from the team Maps: ShondeX ft. Chipy - Driving On The Heights TenTimes v6 - Doomsday Ending Gteatero - Noxious Force II CresheZ ft. DizzasTeR - Way To Steer II Gteatero - Mischievous Xtreme pro Racers |-XpR-| Players: Naval Viko FacuP Mixhet Kanzy Reserves: Everyone from the team Maps: BrighT v6 - Derogatory Smyx - Zeigeist II Gteatero ft. Shine - Noxious Force III Rexon ft. CHRS ft. SheldoN ft. FlinT - New Age Zaja ft. Zeist ft. DizzasTeR - For Fuck's Sake Rules: [3-2-1-1] point system will be used. If a player reaches hunter he will get 1 extra point. If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map. If someone times out while the map is running, we play further. In case of camping and/or shortcutting, participant will be blown up. Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed. Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed. Doing roof parts as forward is allowed. Driving backward parts forward is allowed. Pressing the nos late is allowed.