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Elite Fight WFF - Referee Applications


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Would you like to be an EF WFF Referee? Here you will find the requirements for posting an application.

- Experience: we are looking for profiles that have already managed WFF Tournaments or Clanwars in the past.

- Availability: Matches will be held on weekends at 20:00 CEST, make sure to be available at this time. You can check precise dates in schedule section posted in Information topic.

- Discord account: We will keep in touch with referees on Discord in an appropriate chat. Make sure to have an account and to join our server.


Application Format

  • Ingame nickname:
  • Country:
  • Which days are you available? (Saturday or/and Sunday): 
  • Experience as a Referee:
  • Discord contact: 


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not sure if ill be able to and have as much time, but nonetheless:

  • Ingame nickname: jeon soyeon
  • Country: slovakia
  • Which days are you available? (Saturday or/and Sunday): both
  • Experience as a Referee: dont need to ask tbh im the best wff referee in this game
  • Discord contact: u all got me
Edited by ryderawr
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