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Elite Fight HDM - Information


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Elite Fight: HDM

Our clan tournaments series continues! Elite Players is happy to announce the first season of Elite Fight Hard Deathmatch!






Before we start off, we would like to thank all clans for deciding to participate in the tournament as this would not be possible without them.
The tournament consists of 9 clans. They are:

eP, Xz, Syn, TR, NxR, 3R, XpR, vZ and X.

They will compete in a league format, meaning that all clans will play each other. Once that is done, we will move on to Playoffs round.

Clans that manage to finish within the Top 8 will advance. Quarter finals will be played between teams who finish the League stage of the tournament in following positions:
#1 - #8 (W1)
#2 - #7 (W2)
#3 - #6 (W3)
#4 - #5 (W4)

Semi finals will be played between winners of quarterfinal games marked as W1 - W4 & W2 - W3.

Clans who lose their semifinal matches will play a game to determine which of them finishes third, while the winners move straight to the grand final where they clash for the title.





We decided to prepare a set of basic rules in order to avoid all kinds of controversial situations and to make sure that the tournament goes as smoothly as possible.


General Rules:

The tournament uses the well-known 3-2-1-1 scoring system.

Winning a game gives clan 3 points on the leaderboard, losing gets it no points and the draw means that both sides get 1 point each.

If a clan fails to attend any of their matches with at least 4 players then they may get disqualified.

Mods that affect gameplay are prohibited.

In case of insulting, swearing and provoking, participant will be muted and possibly eliminated without the possibility of replacing him.

If someone times out before the map starts, we redo the map.

If someone times out while the map is running (if he is alive), we play further.

Only players registered on rosters can participate with no exceptions.

If a player leaves your team, he is not allowed to play for your team until the next roster change.

Skipping slowmo scripts is strictly forbidden.

Skipping scripts which change a player's position is also forbidden.


WFF HDM Rules:

Each clan is obligated to play each map with no more than 5 players. (Not respecting that rule may lead to the referee blowing up a random, alive member of the cheating clan.)

Players are awarded for reaching the furthest part of the map and doing it before others.

Skipping vehiclechange pickups is not allowed.

Skipping nitro/repair pickups is allowed.

Starting the nos late is allowed.

Doing backward parts forward is allowed.

Doing roof parts forward is allowed.

Skipping big parts of the map is not allowed. (If your clan is unsure about any of the cuts/script skips then please contact one of our organizers and we will figure it out.)

Any attempt of abusing FPS or ping in order to gain unfair advantage may lead to the clan being disqualified.

By passing a map you contribute a point to your personal and team score.


Free Rounds:

Each clan is allowed to ask for up to 5 frees per match without the need of giving a reason to do so. After that number is reached, the referee may refuse to provide the clan with another free round if the other team doesn't agree to do so. Each free can last up to 5 minutes, unless there is a very good reason for it to be longer.

Asking for a free when the round just started is allowed, if you ask it after 10 seconds then the referee is able to decline your free request or the referee will ask the other clan if they agree to still make the round free.




There will be a new maplist each tour.

Each maplist is going to consist of 10 maps, each map will be played twice during a match.

Each clan will be asked to provide our organizers with 1 map at least 1 week before each tour (the rest of the maps being picked by organization team).

As each clan skips one tour, they won't be picking maps for the tour it happens in.


Map picking restrictions:

If a map is picked once then it can't be picked again by the same clan.


Organization map pool:

Each tour the 2 organization maps will be drawn up randomly from the following list:

AlmanoV ft. SKooD ft. Driver - Uprising
AbodyRulez ft. TenTimes - Dark Doomsday
AquiL - Forcing the Xtreme
AquiL ft. ShuX - Sheer Madness
BriaN - Ultima 
Ceeser ft. Saky ft. Corrupt - Suicide Skills II
Cookie v14 - Enchanted
Coronet ft. Shardex - Monochrome
CresheZ ft. DizzasTeR - Way To Steer II
DeLeTe - Notorious
DizzasTeR - Dark Wheels
DLF ft. rikuz - Valuable Attempt II
Esp4wN v6 - Mismatch
FiNN ft. Boost - Unbeatable Area
Flash ft. sYKu ft. Cookie - Hard Fury II
GameX ft. Takash - Breakdown Rush II
Goku - Codebreaker
Goku - Witherest
Goku v4 - Ageless Void
Gteatero ft. BriaN ft. Karnikkl - Deluxor
Gteatero ft. Frankz ft. Facuuzz - Deadly Shadow
Gteatero ft. Shine - Last Suspense
Gteatero - Insidious Deeps II
Gteatero - Mischievous
Gteatero - Noxious Force
Gteatero - Noxious Force II
HTML ft. Smyx - Catabarb II
NikotiN ft. Esp4wN - Breathe of Skills
NikotiN v15 - Unshakeable Driver II
Pablow ft. SajgoN ft. Takash - Ah shit, here we go again
PCHZY ft. SajgoN - Numinous Wood
Rampage ft. RuSO ft. Goku - Overedge
ShondeX ft. Javii ft. Cookie - Unthinkable
SleepY ft. RiseR ft. Nebla - Propane
stan - Overdrive
Stiven v3 - Amazing Driving
SymoN ft. Naval - Deep Power Paradise III
SymoN v7 - Deep Power Paradise
Zaja ft. Zeist - For Fuck's Sake
ZeAn ft. GameX ft. ShondeX - Artificial Clarity II




Every match will be played on the same server, you can join the server using this IP: mtasa:// Once you join the server you have to choose the Event Room. You can join your team with the command /join (clantag)

The server contains a training room aswell, so each participant is free to join it in order to train, check the version of the map and to download them before their match begins. Connect to: mtasa://, join the training room and use /load (mapname) in order to do so.



Each clan will be asked to provide a list of up to 20 of their members who are going to participate in the tournament. Each captain is obligated to provide nicknames and serials of all the clan members they would like to participate. First roster lock happens before the group stage begins. We are going to allow to make changes to it once Tour 4 ends, so clans are able to update their rosters before the playoffs begin. If any of the clans accepts new members after the rosters lock, the new members won't be able to play until the roster gets updated. If any of the clans tries to bypass this limitation it may end up in them being disqualified from the tournament.



NOTE: If any of the given dates wouldn't fit your clan, then we are willing to move your game as long as you come to an agreement with your opponent and provide our organizers with another date which both sides agree to play on.

Tour Date Match Time Referee Assistant Streamer Score MVP
1 23/04 X - XpR 19:00 CEST SheldoN niim0te BeyTo 63 - 105 |-XpR-|Ronaldo
1 23/04 Syn - vZ 20:00 CEST burnout - BeyTo 104 - 48 Syn.Karma
1 24/04 TR - 3R 18:00 CEST SheldoN - iSunlight 80 - 64 3R|Risq
1 24/04 eP - Xz 20:00 CEST KreeT - RYDER 85 - 75 Xz'Vander
2 07/05 3R - eP 18:00 CEST niim0te - BeyTo 39 - 116 eP!SheldoN
2 07/05 vZ - TR 20:00 CEST burnout - Sunset 41 - 107 TR|GoldeN
2 08/05 XpR - Syn 18:00 CEST RYDER - RYDER 108 - 58 |-XpR-|Ronaldo
2 07/05 NxR - X 22:00 CEST Backflip - iSunlight 34 - 114 X/Benjaz
3 21/05 Syn - NxR 18:00 CEST Flavio Lost Adidas 116 - 25 Syn.Spacy
3 21/05 TR - XpR 20:00 CEST niim0te - - 58 - 92 |-XpR-|Naval
3 22/05 eP - vZ 18:00 CEST Backflip Lost - 114 - 30 eP!SheldoN
3 22/05 Xz - 3R 20:00 CEST Backflip Flavio BeyTo 95 - 50 Xz'Vander
4 04/06 vZ - Xz 19:00 CEST Backflip - Vicious 38 - 106 Xz'niimote
4 05/06 XpR - eP 20:00 CEST RYDER niim0te Marque 87 - 78 |-XpR-|Naval
4 05/06 NxR - TR 22:00 CEST Flavio Lost iSunlight 41 - 105 TR|GoldeN
4 05/06 X - Syn 20:00 CEST Backflip - - 87 - 64 X/Benjaz
5 18/06 TR - X 18:00 CEST Backflip - - 38 - 121 X/Pawni
5 18/06 eP - NxR 20:00 CEST RYDER Kevin Marque 107 - 48 eP!JARI
5 19/06 Xz - XpR 18:00 CEST Flaky Lost Naval 98 - 82 |-XpR-|Ronaldo
5 19/06 3R - vZ 20:00 CEST Flavio Ashral TBA 77 - 76 3R|Speed
6 03/07 XpR - 3R 20:00 CEST Backflip - BeyTo 119 - 38 |-XpR-|Ronaldo
6 02/07 NxR - Xz 20:00 CEST Backflip - BeyTo 22 - 128 Xz'FacuP
6 03/07 X - eP 20:00 CEST RYDER - RYDER 63 - 95 eP!SheldoN
6 03/07 Syn - TR 20:00 CEST niim0te RadheN - 88 - 56 Syn.Zei
7 16/07 eP - Syn 18:00 CEST - - - 140 - 0 -
7 16/07 Xz - X 20:00 CEST Naval Lost - 96 - 74 Xz'FacuP
7 17/07 3R - NxR 18:00 CEST Naval - BeyTo 73 - 78 3R|Shelby
7 17/07 vZ - XpR 20:00 CEST Adidas Lost BeyTo 16 - 141 |-XpR-|Ronaldo
8 30/07 NxR - vZ 22:00 CEST Backflip - Notas POV 85 - 61 |-NxR-|Unz0r
8 30/07 X - 3R 21:00 CEST Naval - - 94 - 62 X/Benjaz
8 31/07 Syn - Xz 18:00 CEST Naval - BeyTo 40 - 118 Xz'FacuP
8 31/07 TR - eP 20:00 CEST Naval Backflip - 27 - 119 eP!Flaky
9 13/08 Xz - TR 18:00 CEST Lost Flavio - 118 - 27 Xz'FacuP
9 13/08 3R - Syn 20:00 CEST Flavio Rhae Rhae 51 - 104 Syn.Karma
9 14/08 vZ - X 18:00 CEST Lost Flavio - 31 - 119 X/Natz
9 14/08 XpR - NxR 20:00 CEST Lost SheldoN Vicious 126 - 27 |-XpR-|Temp
1/4 27/08 W1 eP - 3R 18:00 CEST Backflip - BeyTo 114 - 29 eP!Flaky
1/4 27/08 W2 XpR - NxR 20:00 CEST Lost Flavio Arrow 120 - 31 |-XpR-|Naval
1/4 28/08 W3 Xz - TR 18:00 CEST Natz Backflip Marque 124 - 26 Xz'FacuP
1/4 28/08 W4 X - Syn 20:00 CEST Backflip burnout BeyTo 70 - 86 Syn.Karma
1/2 11/09 eP - Syn 20:00 CEST Backflip - DarkyZ 79 - 80 eP!burnout
1/2 11/09 XpR - Xz 18:00 CEST Backflip sinso BeyTo 108 - 57 |-XpR-|Ronaldo
3rd Place 24/09 eP - Xz 20:00 CEST Backflip - DarkyZ 60 - 92 Xz'FacuP
Final 25/09 XpR - Syn 20:00 CEST Backflip 10 people Arrow 107 - 64 |-XpR-|Ronaldo


Top 10 Personal Points

Player Points
Ronaldo 278
Naval 277
FacuP 264
Benjaz 217
Karma 200
Pawni 191
SheldoN 185
Flaky 169
Temp 168
Unz0r 166


Maps Passed

Player(s) Passed
Naval, Ronaldo 39
FacuP 37
Benjaz 27
Temp 25
Pawni 24
SheldoN 21
Vander, Karma 19
Shelby 15



Clan Wins Losses Score Points
1 eP 7 1 854 - 369 (+485) 21
2 XpR 7 1 860 - 436 (+424) 21
3 Xz 7 1 834 - 418 (+416) 21
4 X 5 3 735 - 525 (+210) 15
5 Syn 4 4 568 - 639 (-71) 12
6 TR 3 5 498 - 684 (-186) 9
7 NxR 2 6 366 - 824 (-458) 6
8 3R 1 7 454 - 762 (-308) 3
9 vZ 0 8 341 - 853 (-512) 0


*Updated* Rosters locked on 14.08: https://ibb.co/7n49bhr

Organizers' contacts:

@Backflip - Backflip#0497
@JARI - JARI#0984
@Flavio - Flavio#6078
@Lost -
@BurNouT - BurNouT#4948
@Adidas - nachoshenko#0633

Please make sure you join our Discord Server where we will also be announcing your matches and allow easier communication.


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