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WalK's Join Request


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1. Nickname / Location / Personal info
My nickname is WalK and my real name is Kornél. I am a 19-year-old student and currently living in Hungary, Szolnok.

2. Previous Clans
|Tsw| | The Speed Warriors |
|Dws| | Down With the Sickness |
'SK// | Savage Kingdom |
xN | Nitrous Racing |

-ffs- | For Fuck Sake |
/TfF\ | The Favoured Few |
7m | Seventh Miracle |
iW | Iron Will

XpR| Xtreme pro Racers
FoXX | Force Out Xtreme

3. Your MTA career
I started playing MTA 7 years ago, a friend of mine has played it way before me and he suggested me to try it.

As far as I remember we both played on a Hungarian RPG server for a few months until I wanted to try something new, and this is the time when I found a new server which provided more game modes.
I was just a clueless player, so the first game mode I joined was DD, though I didn't enjoy it as much as I expected, therefore thus I thought of choosing another one, so I picked DM.
I learned the basics in the first months, it wasn't easy at the beginning but I did not give up because I enjoyed it.
After some time, I got to know how to be fast and became a little bit known due to the tops I made, got invited to many teams where I gained experience, this was a very crucial part of my MTA career, I needed a good first impression of a lot of players.

Throughout these years I became the person as I am now, and will just improve both my skills and my personality.


4. Why do you think that Elite Players is the best place for you?
To begin with, during my career I’ve reached to join to a clan which was 7m, I get to know many people there and many of them is currently in eP, so on at that time I was really confident and the clan gave a precious atmosphere which I liked, since I miss those times I want to be the part of eP as I want to be with the people I managed to have a great time, also to mention I want to improve my WFF skills to be more confident, either in DM. I can really hope this clan can give me all the small needs I need for a long time.

I consider myself an experienced WFF player as I have participated in each one of it since the 12th one and I've reached more or less successful results in all of them, like reaching 1/2, and the best one so far, 3rd place in WFF 15. I didn't perform that well on WFF 16 or exactly on WFF 17, I have been defeated by several unexpected guys, they really played well. The other wff's went badly on my side, so I wouldn't tell about my performance but to mention I could reach the 4th position on WFF 21 by reaching the finals. I believe I can help you in either WFF or DM clanwars because I'm very experienced in participating on them. In fact, I’m a bit inactive but I’ll be there if needed.

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