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FeeBe's Join Request


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Nickname / Location / Personal Info

My name is Tomek, in game known as FeeBe. I am 22 years old. I was born and currently living in Warsaw, Poland. Apart from work I like to play computer games but I am also a passionate fan of volleyball and also every sport.


Previous Clans

[FoXX] Force Out Xtreme

eP! Elite Players


MTA Career

My career really started in NRC with a friend back in 2010 if I remember correctly. Few years later I started playing DD with my friends and even invited my two brothers into it. With time I started playing on SKC server and that's where my DM story started. After a while I got to know d1Kuba, I owe him a lot in my DM career, because I really learned a lot from him. I started playing DM more and more on servers like FFS and Vulatic. I have always dreamed of playing as the main WFF player, but I only enjoyed it a few times because I played DD most of the time in MTA. I consider eP the best clan that I respect a lot, in which I have already spent time and want to have a good time in this game again and just have fun.


Why do I think that Elite Players is the best place for me?

I don't see myself anywhere else but this clan. I consider this clan to be the best in terms of atmosphere and skill. It is true that I may not match the skills of eP players, but I think this is exactly what it takes for me to become better at WFF. Regardless, I would like to help eP reach the heights in DD scene. Of course, I would like to play both gamemodes, but if I choose, I prefer to spend most of my time on WFF.



Discord FeeBe#3760

Edited by FeeBe
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