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Backflip's Join Request


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1. Nickname / Location / Personal info

Hi, my ingame nick is Backflip, I'm 25 years old and I come from Bosnia and Herzegovina (the Balkans / Southeastern Europe). I'm currently studying English and literature (first year) and also until recently I worked as a commercialist but I quit because of uni. However I started to work full-time for a call centre company from home (customers from the US, great way to practice your English, you'll agree). Whenever I have extensive free time, I would seek for a one-day job, just to have that extra cash while I'm studying. Oh, and rent has to be paid somehow.... I mostly play MTA (I don't like to play *other* games. I'm old, say it) but I'm up for Among Us or Valorant as well. In my free time, I like to play football and get drunk. I also survived covid (though it was living hell in isolation) 😄

2. Previous Clans

I've been in many small clans (most of which are unfamiliar probably) so I will mention just a few which I think deserve a shout:
Xtreme-Players - Admin (January 2013 - June 2013)
Xtreme 5 - Leader (some time in 2014 or 15)
Death on Approach - Co-Leader & Community Manager (April 2020 - July 2021) / I feel like I need to say something about this clan. This clan represents the pinnacle of my MTA career (for now). Honestly, I never thought I would leave. I had a wonderful time here and I've learned a lot of things at this clan but disagreements with leadership regarding some decisions has made me step back.

3. Your MTA career

I'll write this as briefly as possible. I started playing in 2010, I was only messing with map editor, didn't do anything else (I played the game very rarely). Then later in 2010 got bored one day and found out that servers exist (!) and started playing on some roleplay servers. The first servers I remember playing on are SAES RPG and FOTL Freeroam server. Those got boring (I started disliking RPG) and then I started playing on some race servers, I discovered FFS in 2012 but I rarely played there because I was in some small clans and they had their own dedicated servers. A lot of servers later, I quit the game in 2015 (mostly because I had a terrible PC, 7 fps was the best I could do, and I suffered like that for over 5 years). I came back in September 2019 (with a new PC thankfully), started playing on FFS before discovering some other servers that were new to me then (FoXX, 3R etc). I started joining the DDC server in maybe January and then I started playing regularly in DDC and FoXX servers (something I still practice today but rarely). I was an intern at Lumiverse from server's launch until April 2021. Reason for leaving is the lack of free time and a 'desire' to leave MTA (which wasn't fulfilled obviously xd)

4. Why do you think that Elite Players is the best place for you?

To be frank, I'm really bad at playing this game (wff, hunters, anything xd). I think I can learn a lot at this clan since you guys are active at WFF & DM clan wars and you guys have dedicated players from whom I can learn a lot. Also, I believe that there is a good and fun atmosphere within this clan, which I am primarily looking for honestly. Also I think I could boost your Catch squad X D

5. Contact

Discord - Backflip#0497
I don't use anything else related to this game.

6. Something to add(optional)

I mentioned in the first paragraph that I'm a student and that I recently got employed full-time. That could limit my playing time but I will always be active on Discord.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading, and if there are any questions or something that puzzles you, please ask.

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