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Tickz0r's Join Request


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1. Nickname / Location / Personal info 

My name is Temístocles Akim known as Tick, im from Salvador-BA, Brazil. And I am 18 years old

2. Previous Clans









3. Your MTA career

 Well, to start this story, I have to say something. I didn't play MTA for a long time, due to some things that happened in my career as a cw player and so on. I was very sad about it and rethinking how to continue to focus on this shit game, let's go to my career. I started playing MTA around 2015 ~ 2014 I don't know exactly what year it was, I started playing on a Brazilian server called "vz gaming" I made many friendships that I still have today, I joined several clans but none should be mentioned here, soon to follow During this period I went to expand as a player and met the fans through other players, that's when I fell in love with this game. One of my first teams to join was -sK- that I don't like to remember, right after several servers with different ideas were launched, the first was the ER, right after that I joined other teams and was, iSG, UP and others . After a few years Vultaic was launched after the launch, I started playing again and focused on training, I miss that time because I was a no-lifer and nowadays I don't even step on the W map (laughs). I spent a lot of time playing and training, getting better each day more and more, and after a while I stopped playing because the clan I was in had closed. and around 2019 I opened an incredible community that I still miss the famous Ravens, after closing I lost interest in playing again, but I'm coming back with everything. Thanks for reading.

4. Why do you think that Elite Players is the best place for you?

 It is a very experienced team, not only with incredible players, but with an incredible environment, it is a team that I want to keep fixed. And besides developing some projects for this team. And in addition to playing in some cw xD

5. Contact

Discord: Τιcκ#6666

6. Something to add

 Well in the last few years I've been learning designer, concepts, UI and UX, and I can help the team with something I know, being a designer and inventor.


sorry for the horrible english.

Edited by Tick
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