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Ninja's join request


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1. Nickname / Location / Personal info

My name is Gerzsa and im from Hungary. I like gardening and fixing cars as the main job. I have a e46 and i always love to do something on it.

2. Previous Clans

sR# Speed Racers

|Dws| Down with the sickness

[MAD] Mafioso auto drivers

Dx Deathwish

3. Your MTA career

I have been playing MTA since 2012 (previous nick SNemes). The first server i played on was a fun server like everyone i think. This year my friend Vergil created a Hungarian dm clan with server called Speed Racers. I learned there the dm basics. The server still active but the clan is dead. In year 2013 i registered to FFS. This time i just played on server (Joined to Dws) and tried to be better. (i didn't play from 2015-2018). When i came back in 2018 i started to take the game more seriously (Here i joined to MAD). I practiced like which ways/moves is faster. It went surprisingly fast but i didnt feel enough motivation to play this game a lot. I registered to few wff events too with success and without success. in 2020 january i registered to FoXX. Dx was created then, so they invited me but i dont felt i belong there. Nothing happened there, i was just having fun with Dx boys.
Now i just playing events and sometimes im up on Lumiverse.

4. Why do you think that Elite Players is the best place for you?

I wanted to join a serious team for a long time. Now i feel like its time. I dont think im bad player, but i can develop my skills far, and i want to do it with eP. I think i could add a lot for the clan like events and wars. I know the most eP members and them good dudes and pros, and i can tell it was hard but i persuaded myself to write a request because i feel like I have a place here.

5. Contact

Discord: gerzsa#6579

Edited by Ninja
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