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Kira's join request


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1. Nickname / Location / Personal info

My name is Lucas, people knows me as Kira/kiraso. I'm 17 and I live in France, in a city around Nancy/Metz (if someone knows) I'm at university with some little jobs to earn money and practice soccer at good level.

2. Previous Clans

INT - International Team - WFF/DM squad(left/closed)

Xz - Zeitgeist Family - WFF/DM squad(kicked)

S1# - Simply First - WFF/DM squad (left/closed)

3. Your MTA career
I started MTA around 2010/11 I guess (I was young for real) on a DayZ server until 2015. I played shooter on a CZ/SK/EN server until end of 2018/start of 2019 and begun DM in 2019 as a DM member on the same server. It closed and then I joined Vultaic as a DM player without any skill to show... I went on Foxx when Vultaic closed then I really grow up on it and begun a WFF player. I still learning skills/and some wff maps (I can't even know all of it but I try my best ^^). I tried Lumiverse when it opened but I didn't really enjoy on it so I stayed on Foxx with many friends (clan and Foxx members was some ex-s1). Now, I'm usually playing on lv. Previous clans:

4. Why do you think that Elite Players is the best place for you?
I've some friends in clan and there is many very good players in it. I would like to join to improve my skill with you and be decent for you as you could be for me as a WFF player. I'm a dev/bot discord and learning to dev. webs at university. 

5. Contact
Kira#6969 discord

6. Something to add(optional)

Viva potatoes

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