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Sinso Join Request


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1. Nickname / Location / Personal info

My nickname is Sinso i call myself Fernando Martins Brasileiro, from São Paulo I am 21 years old is Currently in my last year in the faculty of commercial management 


2. Previous Clans

FoXX  Force Out Xtreme

xZ    Zeitgeist

xN  Nitrous Racing

EP   Elite Players

INT International Team


3. Your MTA career
Good My story briefly and clearly I started playing Mta a long time ago on Russian servers he was called GTA.RU Approximately between 2009-2010 and very old maps as a beginner with no experience in the game with an animo always wanting to learn all about looking for new challenges in local Brazilian servers then I started to follow all the WFF on the FFS Server. I was improving and realized that I had high capacity after a while in WFF because it is what I like a lot and have fun I had incredible experiences in all teams and great friends Especially in xN where I stayed for longer.


4. Why do you think that Elite Players is the best place for you?
I believe very much that this family is right for me many active people in events always present with great results. my intuition is to help the WFF Squad where I fit better clear more with possible Performances in DM if necessary.

5. Contact

6. Something to add 

it took some time until I write is JR because I rethought what happened to me on eP in the step and correct my past behavior. Thanks for Reading ❤️

Edited by sinso
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