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Home Ground


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Hello there!

We are very glad to welcome you on our brand new forum! Creating a dedicated eP website was on our minds for quite a while now and we were finally able to finalise it, mainly thanks to Djdidier and JARI. We appreciate their effort a lot, but they are not the only people who we would like to thank before moving to different topics of today's thread. As you probably know, we have been using a subforum on FoXX's site as a way to manage eP for a few months. We are very thankful, because it was a great, temporary solution to stay in touch with the community without being forced to prepare our own place in a rush. Now, when it is finally the time to move on, we would like to emphasize that their kindness made it much easier for eP as a whole, thank you guys!
We still have some more important announcements, so let's move on without any further ado.


Leadership changes

As mentioned in our previous news, we have recently lost one of our leaders. We believe that it is always better to view things from different perspectives, especially when it comes to managing a group of people, with each one of them having their unique needs and personalities. With that being said, we are proud to announce that JARI is now officially a leader of Elite Players. There is no doubt that it is a very important change when it comes to our clan's future. However, we are sure that the decision is going to be beneficial for both JARI and his clan. We wish you a successful time as eP's leader, congratulations.


Trials & Join requests 

Having a new leader is not the only change when it comes to our roster. As mentioned in previous news, we were looking for some fresh blood to help our clan grow. We are happy to announce that we have managed to find some. We have to admit that the amount of join requests we received was not as impressive as usual, but we are definitely satisfied with their quality and that is definitely more important. We would like to congratulate...


...as they are now a part of our clan. We hope that eP is going to meet their expectations and that our relations are going to stay warm at all times. Enjoy your stay!

To wrap this part up, we have to mention that our join requests are going to stay CLOSED for a while now. There is no specific date when we plan to re-open them, so keep an eye on that in case you are interested in trying your luck with becoming a part of our clan.


That's pretty much it for today. Once again, we hope that our new forum is going to attract many people, as we would like to stay in touch with the game's community by posting more similiar topics in the future. When it comes to our current plans, we would like to focus on upcoming semi-final against XpR in FoXX's F5 WFF tournament. It is known that our rivalry on the WFF scene is always intense, so we hope that the two-leg match system which is used there is going to double the emotions around our game.

Well, we have nothing more to add other than wishing you nice time during the last weeks of the current year. Take care!


Yours faithfully,

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First i wanna say good news and well written from Foxik as always and congratulations to our new trials. I'm happy that i made the decision to create a forum for eP! they all deserved something like this but not to forget, i had someone amazing thats been helping me a lot with the name of Djdidier, i was sure that i wasn't able to do this alone so i also wanna say a big thank you to Djdidier you're an amazing guy! And now since we had someone that left us from the leadership i never thought that i had the chance of being the Leader of eP with Madlife but i was wrong. I'm very happy with my promotion and also very happy that i can still be the DM Manager of this clan. A big thanks to everyone and i will always support and help this family.

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  • eP!JARI changed the title to Home Ground

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