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Sperma's Join Request


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1. Surname / Location / Personal information

My nickname is Sperma, and I'm from Bicas, Brazil. I'm 15 years old and I've been passionate about games since I was very young, I'm a competitive person, I'm a person who likes to make people happy, I'm quiet.

2. Previous clans

[SFX] Sound_FX

[RDC] Chaos Redefined

[RzO] Rage Zone

[LwO] Lost World Order

[ExD] Extreme Damage

[ETh] Ethereal

[FLP] Reverse Side

[NKC] Noob Kill Team

[RKT] Rocket Team

3. Your MTA career

My career in MTA San Andreas, especially in DM (Deathmatch) and HDM (Hard Deathmatch) modes, has been an intense and challenging journey, full of ups and downs, but also many achievements. From the moment I discovered these modes, I was immediately attracted by the complexity and skill required to master each map and overcome the obstacles. At first, DM mode was a big revelation for me. The mix of racing and combat elements, where every second counts and precision is key, was a challenge I embraced with enthusiasm. I spent countless hours practicing, memorizing every turn, jump and obstacle on the most popular maps. The Master taught me the importance of patience and control, where one wrong move can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Each map was a new lesson and, over time, I began to excel. As I gained confidence and experience, my interest in HDM (Hard Deathmatch) grew. HDM, with its even more complex and challenging maps, took difficulty to a new level. The precision required, combined with the need for a strategic mindset, made HDM a sport where only the most dedicated and skilled players could shine. It was in this environment that I really found my passion within the MTA.In HDM, every race is a true test of skill and endurance. Mastering advanced techniques, such as perfect timing for difficult jumps, accurately reading opponents' movements and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure, were skills I perfected over time. I took part in several Clan Wars and events, and each competition was an opportunity to learn something new, whether it was an innovative technique or a strategy for overcoming the most difficult maps. My evolution in HDM was not without its challenges. There were moments of frustration, when particularly difficult maps seemed impossible to complete, or when victory was within reach but a small mistake cost the race. However, these moments were fundamental to my growth as a player. They taught me the importance of persistence, constant practice and careful analysis of each mistake to avoid repeating them in the future. In addition to the competitions, my participation in the DM/HDM community was an important aspect of my career. Connecting with other players who share the same passion for the MTA has been extremely rewarding. Exchanging tips, discussing strategies and taking part in training sessions with other players has helped me evolve even faster and form lasting bonds with other players. Today, with solid experience in DM and HDM, I can proudly say that these modes are the heart of my MTA career. They have challenged me to be the best player I can be and provided me with countless opportunities to grow and learn. Every map overcome, every victory won and every lesson learned has brought me to where I am today, and I look forward to continuing to compete and develop in the world of MTA.My journey in DM/HDM has taught me a lot about strategy and teamwork. These qualities are what defines-me as a player, and I'm determined to keep improving my skills and contributing to the MTA community I love so much.

4. Why do you think Elite Players is the best place for you?

I believe Elite Players is the ideal place for me because it's a clan that represents exactly what I'm looking for: excellence, competitiveness and team spirit. The clan's level of skill and organization is something I greatly admire and I'm convinced that I can make a significant contribution to the team's success. Furthermore, I believe that Elite Players offers the perfect environment for me to continue evolving as a player, surrounded by people who share the same passion and dedication as me.

5. Contact

You can contact me on Discord ''meaddai'' I am always available to answer any questions or discuss further how I can contribute to “Elite Players”.

6. Something to add (optional)

I would like to add that I am extremely motivated and excited about the possibility of joining the “Elite Players” clan. I believe I can bring a combination of experience, skills and dedication that will be invaluable to the team. I look forward to contributing to the success of the clan and continuing to grow as a player in such a prestigious environment.

5XeJumZ - Imgur.png

Edited by Sperma
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