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Elite Series HDM - Information & Registration


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FFS HDM semifinalist right here (just joking ,let's have some fun, last tournament)

1. Nickname: ryder1
2. Country: SK
3. Serial: 
4. Discord: skanderbeji
5. Can't play at: 10-11 august, 12 13 14 15 september (ill update someone on discord incase more days)

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1. Nickname: ZeRoN!
2. Country: Germany
3. Serial: D89408BE12A4025FAE8E2ECC02692C12
4. Discord: zeronfinn
5. Can't play at: 17-18.08/ 30.08-01.09 / 06-08.09 / 20.09 / 27.09 / 29.09 / 04.10 (Maybe i can, maybe not) / 11-12.10 (after that i'm not sure, when i am able to play, but i won't even come so far ...)

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1. Nickname: zeioski
2. Country: palestine
3. Serial: 193073FEDD9CD7F51BB7518204BF0F71
4. Discord: zeioski
5. Can't play at:  TBA

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1. Nickname: Turtle
2. Country: Egypt
3. Serial: B57AB71FBA47FA7F350B34431C7AE984
4. Discord: scrubnoop
5. Can't play at:  before September and Sundays (put me as a reserve if the group stage will be only in August)

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1. Nickname: Shael
2. Country: PL
3. Serial: 7C133C831F89D2A7DBD98E9271E963D4
4. Discord: papertowel45
5. Can't play at: Weekdays, 06.08 - 18.08

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