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EF OS 2 - 1/2 Finals


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Elite Fight OS 2


1/2 Finals

Stage Date Match Time Referee Streamer Score MVP
1/2 04/08 E - 8 22:00 CEST rolex naxo 102 - 38 Antar
1/2 28/07 XpR - eP 22:00 CEST Aliomar BeyTo 85 - 57 RedR

All matches will be played on our Event Server. All times are adjusted to German Time Zone (CEST).
Correct time can be checked here: https://time.is/CEST


Maps are available on Event server now.

1. Skyress v3 - RoaR (E)
2. Goku - Rockport (eP)
3. Kanarya ft. M3.E46.GTR - Ineffable (XpR)
4. SIISTi V2 [WFF] (8)
5. Sealine - Loops Are Great v1.0
6. Skype~ - The Riddle (E)
7. TulioTC FT. APs - Magnetic Love (eP)
8. Roald ft. WhiTe - Loyalty (XpR)
9. WAPPIE ft. FLUFFIE - Under Construction (8)
10. Martin - I love to live!

Updated rosters for Playoffs: https://ibb.co/vqzfMwF


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