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Sunset's Join Request


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1. Nickname / Location / Personal info

Manuel, 23 y/o, born and raised in Montevideo, Uruguay. Known In-game as Sunset or SUN7, friends often call me Manu.


2. Previous Clans

|X5| Xtreme 5 - Member - Kicked (?).
-ftw- For the Win - Member - Left (iirc).
|ePic! ePic! family - Member - Left.
|Tsw| The Same World (x2) - Member, Co-leader - Closed x2.
-Pink- - Member - Merged with xG.
|-XpR-| Xtreme Pro Racers - Member - Left.
xN# Nitrous Racing (x2) - Leader, Member - Retired/Left.

I definitely might have forgotten some but it is what it is, it's been quite a while tbh.

3. Your MTA career

Started back in 2010 playing freeroam with a few friends - as I was transitioning from SAMP - later switching to DM/DD servers such as BOSS Destruction Derby and Xtreme 5 to name the few where I spent my early days. One way or another these communities where I used to stick around either died or were on the verge of doing so, therefore from mid 2012 onwards my time in this game consisted of wandering diverse communities, joining a few teams in the process, seeking to improve my skillset whilst also looking for a place to settle with no sucess until late 2015 where I'd stumble upon, by then, a small latin community named Nitrous Racing, rest is history.
After a succesful 3 years grind with xN, by february 2018 I decided to step away from the game given my lack of motivation and schedule at the time, only to come back mid 2019 for a couple of months until deciding my (brief) second stint in the team ran short.

4. Why do you think that Elite Players is the best place for you?

Ever since I left my last team, I've been playing MTA very sporadically just to relax and play a few maps here and there, an experience which hasn't turned out quite good as the game becomes dull when you're clanless and have no real purpose other than, call it hopping into the game just to make a waste of my time. I've come to realize that I still want to contribute to a team be it competing, helping with duties or just being a good teammate whatsoever. I'm also convinced my insight and sober perspective of things would be of use for any community to this day but overall I'm looking forward to have some fun with y'all and mostly just that. Last but not least, reuniting with some good friends and getting to know better people I've always respected but never had the chance to share a team with, sounds like an interesting experience.

As a plus, I've always had a hunch I'd fit well in eP as I've always been in really good terms with pretty much every iteration of this team and its people. 

5. Contact

Lately my Skype has been nothing but a pile of dust, though I do tend to open it here and there. On the other hand, you will always find me available on Discord.

Skype: sunset.mta
Discord: Sunset#4111 


6. Something to add(optional)

Hope the read has been a nice one and apologies for any typo or grammar/formatting mistake, redaction skills have been far from sharp lately.

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Hi Manuel, thanks for application, we will answer as fast as possible! 

During waiting time you can enjoy one of the most unique game in the world called MTA:SA!

Have a nice day! 

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I know I shouldn't post here, but Sunset is the best guy in this game and I always repeat myself everywhere I see him - you guys don't know what you're getting when you see his JR - he's one of the most genuine people that helped me through my hard times and supported me all the time. I will always, always appreciate you. It would be a pleasure to see you here again in such a good clan. Good luck and wish you all the best, missed you ❤️ 

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